Building Relationships and Growing Your Business


This blog is your go-to resource for all things local digital marketing.

It contains informative articles on local marketing and small business issues to help you build stronger relationships with your clients and prospects in order to grow your business.

 Included are posts on newsletter marketing, email marketing, relationship building, social media strategies, SEO, and pertenent, small busieness news.

So, whether you’re an experienced marketer or just starting out, be sure to SUBSCRIBE for valuable weekly insights and tips.

Content Marketing

However, your audience is completely in the hands of the platform.

LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube all gate keep access to your audience using their algorithm. And links to your product pages will almost always fall flat on these platforms.

You have to get super creative and write insanely hooky hooks to get people to read and engage with a post that’s promoting something.

It’s the hardest type of post to write.

Which is why building a newsletter is the natural next step for a content creator:

It allows you to build a relationship directly with your audience

It allows you to bypass the algorithmic gatekeeper

It allows you to add sponsorship revenue

Lastly, it protects you from “platform risk:”

If the platform you’ve built an audience on changes ownership (Twitter/X), or becomes less popular (Facebook/Tumblr), it could seriously jeopardize your business if you 100% rely on it.

Content Marketing

However, your audience is completely in the hands of the platform.

LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube all gate keep access to your audience using their algorithm. And links to your product pages will almost

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Post Three Dummy

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